Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Clown Statue

One night a married couple wanted a night to themselves so they went out for dinner. They hired a babysitter that a friend of theirs had suggested. (Tamra S., 2004, P. N.D). Once the babysitter arrives the father desires that after she puts their children to sleep that she goes into their bedroom and watch TV since they didn’t want things knocked over and broken on their recent move to their new house. Soon after, the parents left and she puts the kids to sleep. She does as she is told and goes to the bedroom to watch TV, or at least she tried to. She was too creeped out by the clown statue that’s next to the TV to focus. Eventually, she can’t take it anymore and calls the father. "Hey, sorry to bother you but do you think it would be okay if I covered the clown statue. It is really freaking me out." The father's shocked response was, "Grab the kids and get out of the house now. Go to the neighbors. We will be there soon." (Zaiden Jace, 2010, P. N.D) "What? Why?" "Please just go." She agreed and gathered the kids. They did as the father wanted and waited for a few minutes before the police arrived with the parents. They explained to her that they didn’t own a clown statue. The children had talked about a clown watching them sleep but they thought they were just having bad dreams. (Zaiden Jace, 2010, P. N.D). The police investigate the house and they find the clown who was really a mass murderer, who had been living in their house for a while. Since the house was so big, he was able to sneak around without getting noticed. The "clown" had been in the parent's room and couldn't leave without the babysitter seeing so he froze and pretended to be a statue.The personal experience on this story would have to relate to when I was younger, I was taken to a circus and I noticed how some people had a fear of clowns called coulrophobia and I wondered why all these years since clowns were goofy and funny. Recently, my friend told me he was scared of clowns and I researched why this occurs in people and I came across this story. Though I’m not afraid of clowns, I see why most people are.
 Brandon Arias


  1. written by Kyle

    This information is interesting and useful and the clown statue looks cool. The picture really shows what the article is about.

  2. I'm afriad of clowns! This is scary!!! -Kristine Furiel

  3. I think the only way this story could have been scarier is if it was a true story...

  4. This information is really cool. And it freaked me out a little but it was interesting!!!

  5. I heard the tails doll story before and that game is really old.

  6. I'm glad this isn't real. The kids would have so many anxiety problems, and that murderer would need to go into solitary confinement with one of those white jackets.
    ~Melissa Martinez

  7. I LOVE your post about the lochness monster because it seems really interesting. And besides that your blog has this creepy vibe to it that make the viewers want to come back and look at it some more. THis blog is really cool. Greay job. Just make sure no kids get on this.

